Honouring my journey

I will honour my journey. I will allow myself to feel. I will be with my feelings and will not judge my feelings or myself. When I feel overwhelmed with my emotions, I will take a deep breath, hold it and then slowly release. I will repeat until I feel back in control of my emotions. Again, I will not judge my feelings or myself. I will acknowledge that I miss my pet and that is okay. I will acknowledge that I miss my pet because he/she played a significant role in my life. Again, I will not judge my feelings or myself. I will replace my negative emotions with positive memories of my pet. I will speak to those who understand my grief, I will keep myself safe. I will honour my journey. I will not allow guilt to overcome me, I will not judge myself, I will replace the guilt with self-love and kindness. I will honour my journey. I will have patience with myself and the healing process. I will honour my journey. I will honour my grief. I will honour my pet’s memory.