2007-2022 Booker was a special boy who greeted everyone he met, human, dog, cat, or otherwise, with enthusiasm. Nothing seemed to bother him or get in the way with his laidback enjoyment of life, he would just continue on with his ways whether there was a noisy contractor doing work in our home, a loud thunderstorm, or a bruised belly from invasive surgery. He was chatty and playful and brought us so much love and entertainment. Thank you Booker.

2006-2021 My eternal Nick, you are loved and missed. I know you are there looking after me. You left a huge mark on my life and I’ll be always grateful to have your love, my Angel.

Those we love remain with us, for love itself lives on. Cherished memories never fade, because one loved is gone. Those we love can never be more than a thought apart, for as long as there’s a memory, they live on in our heart.